
Atari battle tank rom
Atari battle tank rom

atari battle tank rom

I couldn't help but be reminded of DOOM when I navigated the elevator and terrace filled landscapes of Combat. The level design does not utilize a full 3D world - there are no tunnels or buildings with multiple floors. You must pilot your tank in a third-person perspective, which makes the game frustrating for those used to using a first-person perspective to navigate (and you can forget about using a mouse - keyboard or joystick only). Hovertanks replace the tanks, biplanes, bombers, and jet fighters of the original. Missions are played out on maps that are reminiscent of early 1990s 3D shooters. Now, in 2001, Infogrames publishes Combat with revamped three-dimensional graphics and Internet capable gameplay. I played that game for hours and especially enjoyed the tank game that utilized ricocheting shots - tank pong.

atari battle tank rom

The game's graphics may have been crap, but blowing up tanks and downing enemy fighter jets was the coolest thing in the world to me. Tanks, fighter planes, machine guns, and missiles rounded out the features of Combat and, coincidentally, the doodles I produced on class notes from the second grade to college.

atari battle tank rom

Even though I was in diapers when the game was first designed, I remember playing it on the 2600 my father bought for me and my siblings with the money he earned from his second job. Let's start by talking about the original Combat.

Atari battle tank rom