
How to download itunes on android tablet
How to download itunes on android tablet

how to download itunes on android tablet

Within Apple Music on Android, you can search by lyrics if you cant remember song titles Browsing and Adding Music to Your Device The service will quickly scan through the lyrics available from Apple’s humongous music library, and give you songs, albums, and artists that might match that song you’ve got stuck in your head. Have you ever wanted to find a song, but didn’t know anything more than a the chorus or a few words from the lyrics? With Apple Music, you can now search for songs by entering a few words of the lyrics. If you’re already familiar with Apple Music on iOS, the Android experience looks the same Even searching for new music to download and explore is as smooth and seamless as on your iPhone or iPad. The various screens are nearly identical to those on iOS, from browsing your Library to exploring the For You and Radio tabs. An Android App That’s Surprisingly Like iOSĮven beyond he subscription process, the Apple Music on Android experience is almost exactly like you’d expect if you’ve used it on iOS. When you first subscribe, the app guides you to choose genres and artists you really like and dislike. The Apple Music app on Android looks and feels just like the sign-up experience on iOS or macOS. You can even get the same three-month free trial that Apple users enjoy when they first sign up. Once installed, you can sign in with your existing Apple ID or create a new one, right from the app. You can download Apple Music straight from the Google Play Store

how to download itunes on android tablet

Instead, you have to download and install the Android app from the Google Play Store. Unlike with your iPhone or iPad, you won’t find Apple Music ready and waiting for you on your Android device. Three years later, let’s see how well the support has matured and whether the Android Apple Music experience matches how friendly the service is on Apple devices. Cupertino announced the service would come to Google’s Android devices in the fall of 2015. Even Windows-based PCs running iTunes 12.2 or later were supported. From the start, the service was available on Macs, iPhone and iPad devices. When Apple Music debuted on June 30, 2015, the tech giant made it clear the service wouldn’t be limited to just Cupertino’s devices.

How to download itunes on android tablet